
Why should you use video to prepare students to take the GED test? The answer is simple. Many students are afraid to take the GED test, and also feel uncomfortable asking questions that they think sound dumb. Most students are comfortable with television. If a student does not understand something, it is simple to rewind the tape and watch that section again. There is no embarrassment. If the student still does not understand, he can then ask a specific question about what he does not understand.

These tapes cover all the changes made to the test  January 1, 2002. Each of the math tapes will have examples of using a calculator and how to grid in answers.

LESSON 1 Mathematics Fractions
LESSON 2 Mathematics Decimals & Percents
LESSON 3 Mathematics Number Relationships, Applying Formulas, Graphs
LESSON 4 Mathematics Algebra & Functions and Their Graphs
LESSON 5 Mathematics Geometry
Writing Skills I
Mechanics & Punctuation
Writing Skills I
Agreement & Diction
LESSON 8 Writing Skills II The Essay Topics, Scoring, Planning, Main Ideas, Points of Support & Examples
LESSON 9 Language Arts Reading Comprehension, Analysis, Application, & Synthesis Sections
LESSON 10 Social Studies US History & Social Studies
LESSON 11 Science Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology & Physics

Set of 11      Video Tapes ISBN 1-56030-175-9 $1500
Set of 11      DVDS ISBN 1-56030-196-1 $1500


GED Mathematics ISBN 1-56030-143-0
GED Social Studies ISBN 1-56030-144-9
GED Science ISBN 1-56030-140-6
GED Language Arts, Writing ISBN 1-56030-141-4
Language Arts, Reading ISBN 1-56030-142-2